Learning music shouldn’t be like doing homework.


It sounds cliché, but music should be fun. Lessons should be something your kids look forward to, even if they aren’t the biggest fan of music just yet. But when music schools around the world overload their kids with worksheets, practice schedules, competitions, and recitals after recitals, we understand why- to some kids- music lessons are just a little bit of extra school on a weekend.

Which is such a shame because music really can be fun, as long as you have the right teacher that’s teaching the right material with the right methods that your kids respond to.

That’s where we come in.



There’s no set criteria for the right teacher. Even if there were one, it would be different for each child. Thankfully, you’re already starting off a with a hand-picked group of teachers, all with previous teaching experience. Every single one of our instructors is required to be familiar with our teaching materials and methods, but are also encouraged to develop their own styles of teaching.

If you’re still unsure, we provide a trial lesson to make sure your instructor is a good fit. And you are always welcome to try one of our other instructors.


teaching the right material

The world of music hasn’t changed. The way you play an instrument today is probably the same way you would’ve played it 100 years ago. Of course, there’s always cooler stuff you can do, more songs you can play, but the fundamentals haven’t changed.

However, the way you present those fundamentals can always be improved. So we wrote our own books, and invested into technology platforms that would allow for the best possible experience for your child.

We don’t want to teach like anyone else, so why would we use anyone else’s books?



Music theory is one of the biggest reasons why kids quit lessons. Quite frankly, it’s boring and there are better ways to teach it. We do things a little backwards here at FIRST.

We teach the music first, and then we make the association to the proper theory concept after. Sounds simple, but kids respond to it much better.

The other thing kids respond to is a lack of worksheets, which helps a great deal.

Welcome to FIRST Music Academy.